I wanted to let you know about my latest book Astonished by the Word: Reading Scripture for Deep Transformation. It releases August 15 2023, but I want to invite you to be on my launch team. You'll get a free ecopy of the book this week. My publisher hopes that in exchange you will leave a review and tell your friends/colleagues about it. Sign up below as soon as possible (obviously before Aug 15).
Here is the cover and below I'll provide a few words to introduce it to you

When was the last time that reading the Bible left you truly astonished?
In Astonished by God’s Word, I will take you on a spiritual quest to the heart of Scripture and the transformation God desires to do in us through our reading of it. I bring my best thinking and reflection on Scripture from my almost 30 years of teaching and preaching.
I wrote this book as a guide to help you to open yourself up to the work of the Holy Spirit in fresh ways through rich and intentional Biblical reflection combined with contemplative spirituality.
St. Augustine taught over 1500 years ago that we haven’t finished studying a text until we know how it deepens our love for God and neighbor. In other words, we haven’t plumbed the text’s true depths until it actually transforms us in love. I'll show you how to read with this level of depth and intention.
Beginners as well as seasoned practitioners will gain inspiration, rich insight, and practical knowledge into a truly life changing way of encountering the God whom the Bible reveals. Encountering God then becomes the means for serving as ambassadors of God’s grace and love to other
If you'd like to read the book for free and help support my launch, my publisher Invite Press has set up a Google page to sign up: Just follow or paste this link into your browser: https://forms.gle/R3WT3fgBXP1aevMX8
Thanks for considering. If you have any questions or if I can be of any service to you, let me know!